Tuesday, 30 May 2017

Weekend Away: Cardiff

Monday morning, another little sleep in. We got ready, checked out of the hotel, left our bags behind, and headed back to the bay. This time, past the Millennium Centre, all the way to the Doctor Who Experience!



It starts with an interactive adventure, which I actually really enjoyed, even though I wasn't a kid. I got to help fly the TARDIS! Although after we got the crystal from the Daleks, I was the last out of the room, and I didn't close the door! I may have been responsible for all of us turning into androids...



After the experience, there was a really cool exhibition with loads of aliens and costumes. I even patted K9!


After the exhibition we decided that because the weather wasn't great, that we'd head home early. Well, that was a drama. I paid extra to switch to an earlier train, which then arrived late. It got held along the way, and was so packed people were standing in the aisle. Luckily I got a seat, but by the time we arrived at Paddington people were definitely ready to get off (more than half an hour later than scheduled). Then, there were major delays in the Bakerloo line and I had to walk the last few stops!! I was so glad to get home.

Sunday, 28 May 2017

Weekend Away: Cardiff

This morning was a relatively slow start, after such an early morning yesterday I needed a little bit of a sleep in! Today el Husbando and I did our own things (ie. He went off riding his motorbike around Wales for the day), and I was left to my own devices. Once ready for the day, I went to Queen Street station to get a train to Caerphilly for the day... Only to realise that the next train was an hour and a half away! Turns out there aren't that many trains to Caerphilly.


So I went back to wander the lanes for a little while before returning to the station. Caerphilly is a lovely (if small) town. The castle is very cool, the largest in Wales and second largest in the UK. It took a good couple of hours to explore the Castle properly and read all the stories... And there were dragons too!



Then I got the train back to Queen Street. I headed to Castle Street (funnily enough, the street outside the Castle), to do a little souvenir shopping, before heading back to the hotel for a rest. I found myself walking past a place called Science Cream, so I had to get myself some liquid nitrogen ice cream! Brown sugar and cinnamon flavour, with toasted marshmallow on the side... Delicious.


Once el Husbando returned, we got dressed up ready for dinner. Tonight, we headed into the city rather than to the bay, and we noticed the difference. The city was more... Busy, but also more run down, more drunk people and things. Anyway, we found a lovely pub for a drink (I drink gin and tonic now) and a delicious meal (chip shop platter). Then, more ice-cream for the walk home, followed by another drink at the hotel bar. Now, time for bed.

Saturday, 27 May 2017

Weekend Away: Cardiff

It's another bank holiday weekend! This weekend, we've escaped to Wales, to spend the weekend in Cardiff. I've visited once before, on my gap year, and have fond memories of my last visit.

It was a very early start - I was up at 5:30, headed to Paddington station for the 7am train to Swansea. The journey was very uneventful, in that I dozed until the train stopped at a station, then jolted awake thinking it was my stop, before dozing off again. Every time.

I arrived at about 10am, dropped off my luggage at the hotel, then wandered to the city to explore a bit. I walked around the outside of the Castle, but didn't go in because I needed to get back to the hotel to meet el Husbando, who had left London the same time as me but rode his motorbike.


We headed back to the city, found a pub for lunch (delicious fish sandwich), then went into Cardiff Castle! We checked out all the filming lessons from the Castle (including Doctor Who, Torchwood and Sherlock), and the rest besides. It was a little windy, but it had stopped raining, so that was a definite improvement.


After the Castle, we really just meandered out way back to the hotel, both ready for a rest. On the way, we picked up some Welsh cakes (basically, scones cooked on a griddle), which were yummy. Tasted exactly how they sound.


We went to the Bay for dinner, ended up at an Italian place near the water. Then, a quick walk along the water, visiting Ianto's shrine. Still quite an emotional place! Then it was back to the hotel for bed...


Thursday, 25 May 2017

Cultural Experience: An evening with Tim Winton

This evening, I did something really cool. I went to a bookstore, and I met Tim Winton!

I discovered Tim Winton for the first time back at school. I had decided college that I wanted to be more 'literary' in my reading (and also all the spots in the speculative fiction classes were taken), so I chose to study Australian literature for a year. One of our assigned books was Cloudstreet. And it completely blew my mind. I remember some scenes vividly from that first reading, the way I felt when I read it, and it had a profound impact on me in terms of both content and writing style. While I've read a few other books, it's Cloudstreet that always stuck with me the most.


I discovered this event while browsing books online, as I do occasionally when bored (it's so much better than online clothes browsing). I discovered Waterstone's had a membership system, signed up, and then discovered they did events. So, being in central London, I thought there might be something cool... And there was. I also have a ticket for another event in July I'm also really excited about.


I managed to get a seat in the second row, and a glass of wine, and it was great. Tim is about the most Australian guy ever, from the way he dresses to his surfer hair and his proper Perth accent. And he is really down to earth about his life and how it has shaped him and his writing. The event was for his newest book, a collection of autobiographical stories and essays (The Boy Behind the Curtain), which I have to admit I haven't finished yet, but some of the stories are so fantastical they're hard to believe!


After the interview, there was time for a few questions, then lined up for the book signing. I actually bought a new copy of Cloudstreet to reread it after I booked my ticket, and I brought that book with me to get signed (it was my first, and is my favourite). He actually apologised when I mentioned I first read it at school! He was really lovely, and it was a fantastic night. I'm already looking forward to the next event!

Saturday, 20 May 2017

Theatre Trip: The Addams Family


Thursday 18th May, 7:30

New Wimbledon Theatre

Cast Changes: none

So great. So, the set design is really clever (2 half sets of stairs that move around lots), and the book is wickedly funny! Lots of topical jokes and great lines everywhere. I also looked that even in the chorus, each actor had their own 'character'.

Morticia (Samantha Womack) was fantastic, sassy and wicked and sexy. Uncle Fester (Les Dennis) was sweet, but I'm not really sure what his subplot really had to do with the rest of the show...

The Beineke's were great, Alice (Charlotte Page) was definitely the great vocally, and had the biggest role (almost bigger than Lucas). Lucas' (Oliver Ormson) accent was a bit on the nose, but he was eager and sweet and great.

Gomez (Cameron Blakely) was fantastic!!! His accent was perfect, his lines well delivered, and his acting was really spot on to accent the craziness of the Addams clan. Some of his jokes were really hilarious!

And Wednesday (Carrie Hope Fletcher!!!). She was perfect. Tough, sure of herself, crazy but totally sane at the same time. Her costumes were incredible, and her voice. Woah. Pulled brought tears to my eyes, she was so flawless. Seeing Carrie in this role was a bit strange, seeing how nice she is in real life. She's so different! Also, I brought her gift and went to stage door, but she went out another exit. I don't blame her, but I wish I could have thanked her for her amazing performance. Will see Carrie in anything, ever, any time, again.

And Lurch (Dickon Gough) really comes into his own at the end!

Sunday, 7 May 2017

Theatre Trip: Wonderland



Stalls, T23/24

New Wimbledon Theatre

Cast Changes: Mad Hatter (Carolyn Maitland?).

The musical itself was... Fun. And that's the best word I have for it. The songs were catchy but very forgettable (it's the first time ever I've walked out of a show not singing one of its songs), and there was very little plot (especially in act 1, having to introduce all the characters). It was very bright and well done, but I think the sameness of the music let it down.



I was interested to see how it would be, after I read that it only lasted 31 previews and 33 performances on Broadway. It did about what I would have expected, but it was fun. Worth the 30 pounds I spent to see Kerry Ellis again, and say that I've seen it. I think I would have been disappointed if I'd missed it altogether.

The performers though, woah. The White Rabbit (Dave Willetts) is a theatre veteran was great, and so was the Mad Hatter, but really, there were 3 characters I loved.



The Queen of Hearts (Wendi Peters). Not only did she have a great stage presence, her voice was a huge surprise to me (being the token 'star' coming from Coronation Street), but she was powerful and on key. Plus, she had a wicked way of delivering her lines.

Ellie (Naomi Morris). This is her first show and without any full time professional training, she was awesome. Before going through the Looking Glass, she was subdued, but after? Completely different costumes, mannerisms, practically a different characters! Her attitude was so cool, and she was a great dancer. She just constantly looked like she was having fun.


And Alice (my fave, Kerry Ellis). 9 years have passed since I first saw her in Wicked... And she is still flawless. Watching her dance in this show was really cool (Elphaba doesn't dance), and the more rock style songs suited her voice. Which is still amazing. She brought me to tears.

Oh, and her Act 2 dress was really lovely (long sleeved full skirted shirtdress with a big petticoat uneasy). I want one!


Theatre Trip: Crazy For You (#2)

CRAZY FOR YOU Gillian Lynne Theatre Date: 27 December 2023 (Wednesday), 2:00pm Seats: Circle D 72-73 (Seen with Bri! Or I was supposed to......