Wednesday 26 February 2020

Theatre Trip: Les Mis #2


Sondheim Theatre (formerly the Queen's)
Date: 24 February (Monday), 7:30pm
Seats: Royal Circle Row K10-12

Understudies: Luke McCall (Jean Valjean), Richard Carson (Javert), Leo Miles (Enjolras).

(Seen with Jess, and Karla while she is here on holiday!)

Karla is back! We met and saw a lot of theatre together (mostly Heathers) before she returned to Australia about a year ago. Luckily, she now works for a UK teacher recruitment agency, and is back for a work trip! So of course us girls got together several times, including for some theatre (and hopefully more before she leaves!) 

However, it being a Monday Jess and I did have work, so we met in the city at 6:30, had a very quick rushed dinner at McDonalds, and rushed over to the theatre. The Queen's is no longer, as they have just finished renovating it and renaming it the Sondheim! Inside the theatre is lovely - definitely new but quite cosy feeling, and there was barely a bathroom queue (apparently they've added 16 more than before, which is always appreciated) either time! our seats were in the Royal Circle, so right up the top, but we had a totally clear view and could see all of the barricade and the stage, even though we weren't close.

This version of the production is different to the Queen's as well. They have gotten rid of the rotating floor from the old version and now have lovely sets that cruise seamlessly in and out. I think my favourite part, production wise, was when they are in the sewer - they didn't have a set for this, only projections on the backing screen! It was very well down and saved them several different sets which must have been helpful. I feel like the production was improved on last time since being updated.

In terms of the cast, I liked almost everyone in the production. Marius (Harry Apps) was really good - his acting was great and I really liked his Empty Chairs at Empty tables. I think out of everyone, Eponine (Shan Ako) was the weaker link. She was really great but her voice sounded more 'pop singer' than 'musical theatre', which worked better when she sang alone (although I didn't like her version of On My Own as much as Carrie's) than when she was singing with others and her voice didn't blend quite as well as others.

My standouts of the ensemble were the Thenardiers (Josefina Gabrielle, Gerard Carey), who managed to be funny, but not too out of control or turning it into a farce which I really appreciated. They are supposed to be over the top, but they didn't feel crazy - well, too crazy. They also worked really well as a pair and boucned off each other fantastically!

One of the reasons I was so excited to be back at Les Mis was that Carrie Hope Fletcher has returned to the show! After originally playing Eponine, she is back and now has grown into the role of Fantine. I wasn't sure how that would work, having played both roles, but Carrie was amazing! She did get beat up and thrown around a bit but her singing was incredible and she was just so good.

Our two leads were both understudies (probably not so surprising on a Monday night, when I actually thought about it), but it was an instance of them both being amazing! I would never have suspected they were anything less than the regular leads. Javert (Richard Carson) had a really great stage presence and inhabited the role so well. I thought he did an amazing job of showing Javert as he was unraveling and losing his sanity. His rendition of 'Stars' was to die for, although watching him actually die was a bit amusing (fake running in the air for just a little bit too long...) I thought he was so great.

And then there was Jean Valjean (Luke McCall), another understudy and yet another amazing actor! He did a great job embodying the character and really felt authentic. His voice did falter just slightly on the highest of the high notes, but his acting was great and actually that added to the authenticity. Even though we were quit high up, I did feel like he connected with the whole audience.

A really good Monday night (especially when you go for donuts after!) and we ticked a show off Karla's list of shows she didn't get to in the two years she lived here! We have one more show planned together - Prince of Egypt in a couple of weeks, which we snagged on sale yesterday. Plus I booked one other and another friend asked me to see a play in a couple of weeks... Oh, and I still want to see another play and get back to the diner... I'm having a good theatre year so far!

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