Wednesday 5 February 2020

Theatre Trip: Waitress #4


Adelphi Theatre
Date: 3  February (Monday), 7:30pm
Seats: Stalls Row O 11-13

Lulu was played by Madison Worley in this show.

Back in the diner, order up! This time, for my 4th visit, it is a very special one. After all, how often do you get to see a show with the composer in the starring role she wrote?

Tonight I went with Viddie and Jess. We have all seen Waitress before (Jess twice, and Viddie just once) and so know the show. Before tonight I didn't realise Viddie had never even seen the same show twice, which is something I love to do. We met before the show and went to Leon to get dinner, and I also popped into the Hotel Chocolat across the street to get dessert for the interval! Jess was running a little late so she met us in the (awfully long) ticket collection queue around 7pm.

It was luckily a fast moving queue and we headed inside the theatre with plenty of time for programs and the bathroom before the show started. And as I've mentioned before, this show is amazing. I love the songs, the message of empowerment, and of course the performers!

This cast is by far the best I've seen in this show. As I mentioned, how many times do you get to see a performer in a role they wrote? For 6 weeks only, Sara Bareilles, the composer and lyricist for the show is playing Jenna! They have brought her over from the States, along with her Dr Pomatter, Gavin Creel. They both played their roles together on Broadway and her only here for a limited engagement! Having missed Lucie last time, I was very pleased to hear that she will be back in the role with David Hunter after that.

I think the cast was really on fire for this performance - and i think I know why. There were signs up in the auditorium I noticed at interval which talked about the fact that they were filming during the performance. So I think that, them of course knowing this, they put on an extra great performance for everyone!

That being said, overall this is by far and away the best cast in total that I've seen! Earl, Ogie and Becky were the same cast as before. Tamlyn Henderson was a bit better this time around, but I think overall he may have been the weakest link in the ensemble. Joel Montague is the best Ogie I've seen, for sure, and the others were equally as impressed as I was with his amazing performance. Marisha Wallace was of course fantastic as usual, but even in her number she was even better than before. This is my 3rd performance seeing her, and I love it! I am now looking forward to seeing her in Hairspray when it opens as well now that I know she will be playing Motormouth Maybelle

There were also 3 new actors to see. The first was a new Dawn (rising, haha). This is now the 4th Dawn I've seen in these shows, and Evelyn Hoskins was definitely the best! She had a great accent but was also really well in tune when singing, and between the three leading ladies, this combination had by far the best blend of voices and it was amazing. She was also funny and worked super well with Joel as Ogie.

Then there were the leads. Gavin Creel is a name I have heard multiple times and listened to him singing on cast recordings like Hair. He was incredible. Compared to David Hunter, he was not quite as funny - and not quite as silly-funny either, but he came across a bit more genuine and sweet instead. It was nice to see a different perspective on the role. And Sara Bareilles. How to explain her as Jenna... I think it's this: I've seen 3 other actresses play Jenna, but actually, Sara Bareilles IS JENNA. She just is. She was funny, sharp, sarcastic, and above all, her performance felt effortless. That was also the most impressive thing about Sara and Gavin together, they were just the perfect combination together. They both sang so effortlessly and with such grace. There were runs and playing around but it all felt natural and not a thing felt forced - at all. And I adored it.

After the show, I heard people talking about stage door, and i was like YES. Viddie had never done a stage door, and Jess and I haven't done one in ages. So we headed over only to find a rather large queue. Luckily everyone was super nice and was really kind and talkative at stage door. We met Marisha first as she was out really fast. She was giving everyone flyers about her solo show and promoting it, which was quite funny. Then Gavin Creel was out next, being so kind to everyone else, just before Sara! I said thank you and that she was amazing, and she replied, "I'm really glad, I would hate for it to be just okay." My response was, "Of course - you wrote it!" which made her laugh. After she left, most of the queue disappeared, which was a shame because Evelyn had just come out and she was super sweet! I told her I don't know how she keeps a straight face opposite Joel and she said that while they're dancing at their wedding, they're usually laughing!

After that I still had to get home and it was a super late night which has thrown me off for the rest of the week, but oh well. Totally worth it. And I want to see Sara again before she leaves, and the Lucie again once she's back! So I guess I'm addicted to Waitress and will get to at least 6... Oops?

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