Thursday 25 July 2019

Besties in Barcelona: Day 4

For day 4, we had a rather long sleep in, getting up around 10 and getting ready in a leisurely manner. While our aircon had apparently been fixed, I'm not sure it was much better and we haven't been sleeping well in the heat. And with another hot day ahead, we headed up to Park Guell to explore the outdoors.

It was great! We explored more than last time, although slowly, and we still weren't able to see the dragon. It turns out that the main part of the park (that you see in pictures and is actually the main entrance) is ticketed, and not only did we not want to line up to get one they were sold out! So I guess that's still on the list of things to do...

We did, however, go to the Gaudi House Museum, which I didn't do last time. It was really interesting to see the actual house he lived in and how austere his life was, especially compared to the sometimes ostentatious nature of his architecture. They had some of his furniture, and presentations which elaborated on his later life, which I didn't know a huge amount about so far.

By the time we were done, we headed away from the park and back to Las Ramblas. It was time for food! It was approaching 2:30 by this point and we were hungry, so we stopped in a restaurant for a late lunch, where I had a salad because it was so hot. I just couldn't bring myself to eat some hot food...

After lunch we headed over to the Picasso Museum, a totally new Barcelona experience to me. I didn't even know Picasso had lived in Barcelona! It was really interesting, given that what myself (like most people) know about Picasso is about his later more modern art. However, the museum covered his whole life and tracked the evolution of his works through his life, which I found interesting. I also hadn't realised that Picasso had used so many mediums - there were sculptures, photography and film, both by him and of him working, which was so interesting. I guess I hadn't realised quite how recent his life was, and the technologies he had at his disposal.

By the time we had finished there and returned to the hotel, it was 6pm and we were pretty shattered, so after a rest (trying not to melt under the terrible aircon), we decided to head back to Asian Ways for dinner given how yummy it was and how convenient the location was (less than 5 minutes down the road!). This time I had rice paper rolls and tempura prawns, and they were also excellent!

Before bed, we packed a little and I checked to find out that check out was 12pm! So not the rush I thought it would be in the morning.

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