Saturday, 14 March 2020

Theatre Trip: The Red Shoes


New Wimbledon Theatre
Date: 11 March (Wednesday), 7:30pm
Seats: Upper Circle N8-9
(Seem with Chloe!)

This week, I saw my first ballet! While one favourite movies is still Centre Stage (so good!), I have never actually seen an actual ballet in its entirety before. And that’s something I’ve wanted to change for a while. This feels like a stepping stone to that experience, as whole this is a real ballet, I’d still like to have the full special theatre and fancy evening out ballet experience, I think.

This came about in a really interesting way. Back at the beginning of March, I Skyped my family and my grandfather recommended Matthew Bourne as a choreographer. He had been to see his version of Romeo and Juliet at a cinema screening in my hometown, and when I looked I saw there was this show on in Wimbledon soon. But I didn’t book it, and then that night my sewing friend Chloe got in touch saying that she wanted to go and asking if I’d like to go too! So she picked up the tickets and we went together.

I really enjoyed the ballet! It was a story I was vaguely familiar with, which I think helped me to understand. I definitely wanted them to start speaking at certain points (it almost felt like they should) but of course they didn't. I think the part that we appreciated the most, as sewists, was the costumes. It was amazing to see how they looked really good as clothes but then also functioned as dancewear. And some of them were so gorgeous! There were definitely a few that I still have on my mind (the 40s style tea dress in a blue striped linen...).

As far as the casting goes, there are at least 2 people for each part in the program, so I went through and circled each for my future records. I don't think I can really speak about favourites though, given I know nothing about ballet and don't know who the dancers are either. Everyone was really lovely and it was a very cool experience.

My next intended theatre experiences are on the 25th March and the 3rd April (&Juliet and Blithe Spirit, respectively), but given the state of the world at the moment, I don't know what is going to happen and if theatres will even be open by then. Here's hoping...

Sunday, 8 March 2020

Theatre Trip: Prince of Egypt


Dominion Theatre
Date: 7 March (Saturday), 2:30pm
Seats: Stalls Row V Seats 10-12
(Seen with Jess and Karla!)

Young Miriam, Leah and Hebrew Girl played by Mia Lahka.
Young Aaron, Young Egyptian Boy and Young Midian Boy played by Taylor Jenkins.

After last night at Endgame, we met up again at midday (just over 12 hours later!) for our next show! Karla was really pleased that we could fit in 3 shows over the two weeks she was here, as she only had 1 planned when she left! We started with a little Primark shopping trip and lunch before heading just to the Dominion Theatre. For what is I think the first time ever, we had to pay to check bags as we had bought a little too much!

I knew barely anything about this show. I obviously did know that it was a animated movie back in the late 90s, and I'm sure I saw it at the time, but I don't remember anything about the rest of it. I was also familiar with the story, as it is the story of Moses - to be fair, I didn't know that story well until my last job when I had to teach it! I learnt it well then, that's for sure, so I knew what the plot was going to be. But unusually for me, I didn't know any of the music or any of the performers going in.

Or so I thought. It turns out that both of the leading ladies in this show I knew of. Tzipporah, Moses' wife was played by Christine Allado, who had originally played Peggy/Maria in Hamilton in the first West End cast, and Miriam, Moses' sister was played by Alexia Khadime, who I had actually seen as Elphaba way back in 2008! So that was a nice surprise. Both women were spectacular, but I think the star of the show for me was Christine Allado - she was sensual and raw and so very strong. I really really loved their performances.

The leading men were good, however I wasn't as wowed as I was by the women. Liam Tamne played Ramses and he was very strong, showing a good progression of his emotions throughout the show. Luke Brady played Moses and I thought he was very good too - he definitely grew on me throughout the show.

I do think though, that the best thing about this show was the show itself. The music was really great! Composed by Stephen Schwartz, who also wrote Wicked, I could tell that but only in a couple of moments during the whole show as generally the music was extremely strong. I also appreciated that the score incorporated the use of Hebrew into the vocal parts for when the Hebrews were singing (and I was a bit embarrassed that it took me so long to realise what that was!)

The stage craft was by far the stand out. Throughout the show, there are quite a few 'magic' tricks which the High Priest and Moses do during the show which was really cool. The choreo was amazing, using people to replicate water, sand and the burning bush as well as having them dancing during actual dancing scenes. The dancers were all fantastic and they worked so well together in sequence to form the things they had to form. And even the stage got in on the act! At interval when I went to look at the orchestra pit, I noticed there were some crash mats underneath the edge of the stage. I figured they were for just in case, given during Act 1 some of the characters were sitting right on the front edge of the stage, but it turns out the whole thing moves! I won't say how or when because I don't want to completely ruin the surprise, but it is a genius piece of stagecraft and I loved that about it.

At the end, I commented that it felt like I was watching a movie. It felt lush and full and it was so new and complex in the staging, that it was a really cool experience. I'm so glad I saw it, although I don't think I've fallen in love with it the same way I have with Wicked or Waitress. And I don't feel the need to see it again super soon, but if I had a friend who asked, I definitely wouldn't say no! I really would like to see that stagecraft again, and I'd pay even more attention to the background details next time.

Theatre Trip: Endgame and Rough for Theatre II


Old Vic Theatre
Date: 6 March (Friday), 7:30pm
Seats: Lilian Baylis Circle Row E15-18

(Seen with Jess, Viddie and Karla!)

This was a night! It was a long week but I was excited for the theatre tonight. Originally, Richard was supposed to come, but he was feeling super tired so he let me offer his ticket to Karla and she was free, so it was girls night! As usual, we met at a McDonald's (Waterloo, as it's super close to the theatre) for a quick dinner first. I loved being back in my old neck of the woods!

This play was actually two plays, both by a playwright called Samuel Beckett. I actually know nothing about Beckett or his plays, and we had bought these tickets well in advance due to the actors in it... Alan Cumming and Daniel Radcliffe!

Alan Cumming is one of those actors most people have heard of but don't know what they're from, but I know him from recent things, like the Good Wife, but also things from my childhood: primarily, the Spy Kids and Josie and the Pussycats movie! And then of course, Daniel. Harry Potter. It has been a dream to see him live and finally it's happened!

The first play was only 25 minutes, and it was called Rough for Theatre II. It was a really shory and interesting play with a third man on stage the whole time, silhouetted in a window and ready to jump. The other two characters (Alan and Daniel) were discussing whether to let him jump or not by analysing his life. I really enjoyed it and it was rather funny in an absurd way.

Actually, both plays were absurd, although I think I preferred Rough for Theatre II. After the interval, there was the longer play, called Endgame. I also found it quite funny, although it was much more weird. I'm actually not sure I can fully explain it, but on this particular Friday night I was in just the right mood for that kind of crazy humour, and I was in hysterics!

After the show, we went out, around and waited in a queue. They checked our tickets, then let us back into the foyer... To meet Daniel Radcliffe! It turns out most evenings he does signings after the show. We waited our turns and when it was mine as he signed my program, our conversation went like this:
Me: "Can I ask you a stupid question?"
DanRad: "Of course, go right ahead."
Me: "Does it hurt, going up and down those ladders all the time every night?"
DanRad: "Actually, less than you'd think. You do get used to it too. I like doing the ladder tip every night though."
Me: "Oh, I thought that was a mistake!"
DanRad: "A lot of people think that, and I love that. That's made my day!"
And then he took my phone and took a selfie.

After we just talked for a while, losing our minds and posting our photos all over the internet. He was so nice (like Natalie Dormer!) and I still cannot believe that I got to meet Harry Freaking Potter! Life made.

Theatre Trip: Crazy For You (#2)

CRAZY FOR YOU Gillian Lynne Theatre Date: 27 December 2023 (Wednesday), 2:00pm Seats: Circle D 72-73 (Seen with Bri! Or I was supposed to......