Thursday 31 January 2019

Day Out: Paris

On Tuesday I decided to head to Paris for the day (got the Eurostar for 29 Euro each way and eveything!) before heading to Hong Kong. I was originally scheduled to be on the train leaving around 8am, but some trains were being cancelled due to the predicted snow in France and Belgium, so instead I left St Pancras at 7am. That was rather early when you factor in being there an hour before you leave and it taking an hour to get there, but oh well.

I arrived around 10:30 Paris time, to find it grey and freezing, but with no snow to speak of. I do think that was better though for me, given I walked everywhere for the day. I headed first to a sweet little knitting shop near Forum les Halles called Lil Weasel. Having just bought some yarn from Australia while I there over Christmas, I couldn’t really justify buying any more at the moment. But I was able to pick up some knitting needles which I had been wanting and couldn’t find in person near our place in London. I feel like it is a little hard given I don’t speak enough French to hold a conversation, but I do do my best.

I had only about 3 hours, I figured, before I would have to start heading back to Gare du Nord for my return journey. I decided to go to the Louvre, before I looked it up on Maps for directions - only to find that it being Tuesday, the Louvre is closed. So I looked up which other museums would actually be open on a Tuesday and it tunrs out, most of them but not the Louvre.

My choice then was inspired by the second series of Marvellous Mrs Maisel, in which they went to Paris and particularly the Rodin Museum. So I went there. It is only a short walk past the Musee d’Orsay, but I had never been there before. On the way over I picked up an extremely fresh baguette with ham and cheese, which was still warm it was so fresh, not to mention super delicious! I bought my ticket and wandered straight into the sculpture garden, where I sat in the garden to eat. I do wish it had been more than 2 degrees though!

I actually found the Rodin museum super interesting. He had a pretty regular life, but surrounded himself with amazing creatives and did so much more than the few sculptures you might know him for. He was also a beautiful painter and they had many of his tests and steps towards the major sculptures. Of course, I did also see the major works - the Thinker, Burghers of Calais are the ones I know the most, but his work is so realistic. In fact, for one of his early sculptures he was accused of taking a mould to copy rather than sculpting it himself! While there I bought a cute mini tote to carry in-progress scarves (an A5 size) with Rodin on it. Perfect for the knitting I’m bringing back to Hong Kong and Australia while I’m back!

Before I’d even realised, it was time to head back over the Seine to Gare du Nord. I stopped in the station to pick up a few macarons (I should have done it elsewhere though, I forgot the ones in the station aren’t the best). Then it was back on the train to get back to Wimbledon and my sweet kitten for one more night. Next up, Hong Kong!

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