Thursday 19 July 2018

Short Sojourn: Solo Paris Day 3

This morning I rose a little earlier but left about the same time because I had to pack up my things. I did sleep better because the medication I bought yesterday kicked in, and it was good stuff! I had hoped today to get a chance to climb the dome at Notre Dame, and had downloaded an all which allowed me to get in the queue - however when I checked out the first time around 11 or said a4 hour wait, so I decided to check in later after I was done with other things... And when I did, 6:47pm was fully booked out! Oh well, I'm sure I'll be back in Paris eventually anyway.

Instead after checking out and leaving my bags in the hotel, I headed to my only stop for the day... The Louvre! I had planned to do the whole museum, and even though I was there 6 hours I still didn't quite manage it. But I did most of it this time - all the highlights (La Jaconde, Winged Victory of Samothrace, Venus De Milo) as well as much of the rest of the museum. I went on a hunt for as many art kitties as I could find, and particularly enjoyed the top floor, which I had never been to before and contains almost exclusively French paintings. There were some beautiful ones and ones which made me laugh as well.

(I just liked this guys face!)

I also love the basement of the Sully wing, which has the history of the Louvre from medieval fortress to Royal Palace to museum. You can go and see and even touch the 12th century foundations, which I love. Also the Egyptian stuff on that floor which is also cool, although there seemed to be quite a lot of things which had been removed for cleaning/maintenance, which was a shame.

So I wandered for a few hours, then popped out to grab a sandwich for lunch, before returning back into the museum to do the rest of it. I really enjoyed just wandering and seeing all the different arts as much as possible, although between today and yesterday I think I'm all museumed out for a while!

I left the Louvre at about 6, walked back to the hotel to get my bags, and then walked back up to Gare du Nord. Grabbed some dinner, some treats for at home, and now chilling in the lounge waiting for the train. I am quite early, but better that than late!

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