Tuesday 17 July 2018

Short Sojourn: Solo Paris Day 0.5

While we were holidaying in Barcelona back at Easter time, I happened to look online at Eurostar train tickets to Paris, as we had mentioned that I might like to go to Paris over the summer. And lo and behold, on the Eurostar website I found those fabled £29 each way tickets to Paris while I was on summer break! So yesterday, after taking Katya to her first vet appointment (she did brilliantly!) and settling her in for her first afternoon solo, I headed out to St Pancras station with a very large backpack ready for the train. I got to St Pancras with plenty of time to spare so had time for a sandwich and drink before we had to board the train.

Security was super easy and very fast which was such a relief, and the train itself was uneventful. I had a window seat and basically knitted and watched Netflix the whole way (it is only just over 2 hours). I have to admit, I am a bit nervous about this trip, as I haven't travelled on my own basically since I was 18 (on my gap year - since then I travelled with family, friends, or Richard). I was nervous about a few things, including finding my way around and how I would look to others (young, vulnerable and alone). But I think this trip will be important for boosting my confidence.

I didn't get into Paris until 6:47pm because of the time difference, so I headed straight to my hotel on Rue de Cygne near Chatelet-Les Halles. It's very close actually to the AirBnB where Richard and I stayed last time we were in Paris so I do know the area a little. I have a single room, right off the staircase, with just a teeny bed and a sink. I share a bathroom which is directly above me with the room above that, but so far I haven't seen them at all. After I checked in and unpacked a bit, I decided it was time for a walk, so I walked down to the Seine to have a look at the river. It was all looking lovely as usual as I headed over the river to the only bakery I could find that was still open. Smith's Bakery sold delicious baguette, so I got a brie one and a palmier for dessert and decided that I was quite tired and wanted to head back to the room to eat dinner.

I ate dinner in the room, watched some bedtime Netflix and then tried to sleep. It was very hot though, and I found it difficult, plus the sore throat I had been nursing for a couple of days has migrated up into my head to become a full cold so safe to say it wasn't the best night.

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